Building an online presence


Nowadays, everything is digital. The decline of print in favour of online publications is a long-term trend, and even resumes are roaring in this direction. LinkedIn is an obvious example of this transition but there are other ways to market yourself to employers using the internet.

Create a personal website

Having your own personal, digital portfolio is as easy as building a basic website and filling it with some key information; who you are, what you do, how to contact you and most importantly, examples of why you are good at what you do. For a journalist, this could be articles and blogs, while a graphic designer might have videos and infographics.

Clean up your social media profiles

Most university students and graduates will have at least one form of social media and may even have a broad range spanning Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. To avoid any awkward conversations with a prospective employer, make sure you remove any embarrassing photos or offensive posts.

Get blogging

Whatever your occupation, it’s good to highlight your knowledge and one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to do so is to write your own blogs. These can be distributed by email, posted on a single site or contributed to others, with the latter option increasing reach and exposure to various audiences.

Pimp your LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the best way to showcase your qualifications online, and is now more than ever serving as a key marketplace for new jobs. The professional social networking platform allows you to do everything from listing your education background and career history to connecting with colleagues, clients and leaders in various industries.