Is the shorter working week a good idea?


Most people would agree they’d prefer a shorter working week. After all, who doesn’t want an extra day to themselves? However, it’s not as simple as handing out a three-day weekend, despite some strong arguments in favour of this type of arrangement.

These include carbon footprint reduction, lower rates of unemployment, enhanced wellbeing and a stronger economy. Of course, there are also negative perceptions from some commentators, who argue the shift would not address some of the major issues facing workers in the current climate.

Sustainable approach

For the environmentally conscious, working less days in the office is a no-brainer. Evidence suggests that nations with less average hours per employee correlates with a reduced carbon footprint. There would be a significant reduction in the number of cars on the road and consequently, fewer greenhouse emissions.

Economic impact

The economy would certainly benefit from a four-day week. There would be less reliance on debt-fuelled growth and a lower rate of unemployment via more even distribution of paid and unpaid time working.

Enhanced well-being

With the impact of mental health so well documented in the current climate, making sure workers are happy is of paramount importance. An additional day off would help alleviate occupational stress and promote greater work-life balance.

Improved health

Obesity and difficulty sleeping are just two of many health issues that plague employees around the world, particularly passive office workers. A spare day could be utilised for more exercise and provide more time to implement healthier eating habits.