The best universities for social work in 2021


A career in social work may suit those who enjoy helping others to manage personal and social problems. Courses in social work teach students to understand and analyse the circumstances of people facing a variety of problems and challenges, as well as to develop strategies that will help to improve these circumstances or reduce their impact. Social workers can provide assistance for people experiencing issues such as homelessness, domestic violence, alcohol and drug addiction, sexual assault and child abuse.

The diverse areas of specialisation that social workers can choose from may include family, youth and child welfare services; medical and health services; psychiatric and general mental health services; disability services; juvenile and family law courts; aged care; income support; and mediation.

There are 40 undergraduate degrees in Social Work listed on The Good Universities Guide course search. We looked at which ones performed best in skill skills development, full-time employment and student support.

Skills development

This rating looks at the proportion of students who were satisfied with the skill development they experienced through their studies. The University of Notre Dame Australia took the top spot with a satisfaction rate of 100%, followed by Curtin University, which scored 92.9%.

Full-time employment

This rating compares the employment rates of graduates from different universities. It looks at the proportion of graduates who were employed full-time four months after graduating. University of New England (UNE) ranked highest with an employment rate of 92.7%, followed by Charles Sturt University, which scored 88.3%.

Student Support

This rating looks at the proportion of students who were satisfied with the support they received from their institution. The highest-ranked university is The University of Notre Dame Australia with a satisfaction rate of 91.9%, followed by University of the Sunshine Coast, which scored 84.5%.

View all 2021 rankings for social work by The Good Universities Guide — filter by study level to view both undergraduate and postgraduate ratings.  

Further reading